Experts‘ testimonies in the lawsuit regarding the legal transfer of properties from the real estate group Cimex worth billions of Czech crowns showed that the transfer was most likely a fraud. According to graphologists, signatures under the contracts enabling a change of the owner of a number of the group’s companies in the Commercial Register were forged.
Expert testimony is important, as it becomes legal evidence at the court hearing. Viktor Chlup from North Bohemia is most likely to be one of the key figures. He and his company Philomena have appeared to be the new owner of fifteen Cimex companies. When questioned by The E15 newspaper, he initially claimed he bought them lawfully. Later on, he’s refrained from any comments regarding the issue. „It is hard to believe how easily one’s identity can be misused to various legal acts and avoid drawing the attention of the authorities. It is a question of whether there should be a change in the relevant legislation that would prevent similar frauds and other attempts to steal identity in the future,“ Cimex CEO Miroslav Kosnar said.
A similar attempt to steal a company has recently been thwarted by the Turnov luminaire manufacturer of Trevos. After a year and a half-long legal battle, the owners of the company managed to get the unknown foreign raiders cleared from the Commercial Register.
Source: E15,, 1. 8. 2017